IQ Test Labs

Discover your intellectual strengths

History of IQ

Quizzes on intelligence and IQ testing: Quiz 4

Quiz your knowledge on the history of IQ and IQ testing.

Test your knowledge and discover who came up with the concept of IQ testing, and who helped to refine IQ tests in the present form.

Discover what IQ studies around the world have suggested about the concept of IQ.

1.According to Sternberg's triarchic (three-part) theory of intelligence, intelligence consists of three main aspects: analytic intelligence, creative intelligence, and ______ intelligence.

  1. componential
  2. experiential
  3. contextual
  4. practical

2. At what age are mental test scores first stably predictive of later IQ?

  1. infancy
  2. preschool
  3. middle childhood
  4. adolescence

Susan took an intelligence test when she was 18 and scored 114. What is her intelligence quotient likely to be at the age of 32?

  1. 110
  2. 114
  3. 118
  4. 98

4. Measures of fluid intelligence, such as speed of reasoning and memory, _______ into adulthood and then _______ due to the aging process.

  1. increase; decline
  2. increase; stabilize
  3. decrease; decline
  4. increase; stabilize

5. Research on the effect of social class on IQ has shown.

  1. a cumulative deficit
  2. a social class effect on infant scales only
  3. no difference in IQ based on social class
  4. a decreasing effect of social class after the grade school years

6. Jim took the same IQ test on different days and gets the same score each time. This means that the test possess a high degree of.

  1. reliability
  2. predictive validity
  3. standardization
  4. correctness

7. Jorge is a Latino student who is about to take an IQ test. Jorge may obtain a lower IQ score than some of his white classmates because.

  1. he believes that Latinos generally score poorly on IQ tests.
  2. his genetic make-up is inferior to that of his classmates.
  3. he has less contextual information than his classmates.
  4. he has less fluid intelligence than his classmates.

8. Block design, picture arrangement and object assembly are three subtests of the:

  1. Raven's test
  2. GRE
  3. WAIS
  4. SAT

9. For which ability is there a substantial sex difference where boys score higher than girls:

  1. verbal
  2. spatial
  3. memory
  4. mathematical

10. The bell shaped distribution of intelligence test scores is called.

  1. cluster distribution
  2. normal distribution
  3. hyperbola
  4. asymptote