IQ Test Labs

Discover your intellectual strengths


Cognitive abilities

Careers for proficiency with visualization abilities

Strong visualization abilities indicate a proficiency in absorbing, analyzing, and communicating visual information. A proficiency in visualization can enhance the ability to detect patterns in images thus helping to make better decisions and predictions.

People with strong visualization abilities possess a creative appreciation of their environment, something which helps in everyday tasks such as memorizing and narrating stories.

Here you will find suitable careers for when visualization is your strongpoint.

Careers where visualization abilities are essential

Visualization is the ability to determine how objects will look like if they are rotated or folded, or if their components are moved or rearranged.

Example question:

Which of the cubes is the same as the unfolded cube?

Visualization IQ question 13
Visualization IQ question 13
Visualization IQ question 13



Visualization IQ question 13
Visualization IQ question 13




Suitable careers

  • Architects
  • Set and Exhibit Designers
  • Desktop Publishers
  • Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers
  • Fine Artists
  • Painters
  • Sculptors
  • Interior Designers
  • Landscape Architects
  • Manufacturing Engineers
  • Structural Iron and Steel Workers
  • Marine Architects