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Practice questions > classification

Classification practice questions
  • Identify similarities and differences between sets of words, numbers, and objects.
  • Group items according to criteria that become apparent in the item group. For example, words may be grouped according to vocabulary meaning or letter order.
  • Check all answer options before answering; although technically correct, some options miss the mark by being less convincing than the correct answer.
  • Therefore, in cases where there seems to be more than one correct answer, pick the option that appears more valid.


  • Correctly answered by most people.
  • Find the odd one out type questions.
  • Improve problem-solving skills!


  • Correctly answered by more than half the people.
  • Find the odd one out type questions.
  • Improve organizational skills!


  • Correctly answered by less than half the people.
  • Find the odd one out type questions.
  • Improve data analytic skills!

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